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I’m trying to solve this challenge but it seems that i’m missing something here
at this test " * Failed: You can send a GET request to /api/books/{_id}
to retrieve a single object of a book containing the properties title
, _id
, and a comments
array (empty array if no comments present). If no book is found, return the string no book exists
what the call that i should be expicting ?
is it “/api/books/?id=bookid” or “api/books/id=bookid” ?
when i try to send a get request to “/api/books/?id=bookid” nothing happens at all i don’t even get a log of bookid,
however when i send a get request to “api/books/id=bookid” i get the bookid from as “id=randomId” instead of just getting the id, so i tried slicing it to get the id only but that does not work ,
what am I missing here , please let me know what’s wrong with my approach.
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solution: boilerplate-project-library - Replit
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Challenge: Quality Assurance Projects - Personal Library
Link to the challenge: