Quality Assurance Projects - Sudoku Solver

Hello There i want to share my repo about the certificate project in Backend Dev, Quality Asuurance:

I have tried diffrent things so far but i cant pass the only test that is failing:

// running tests 8. The return value from the




will be an object containing a


property, which is


if the number may be placed at the provided coordinate and


if the number may not. If false, the returned object will also contain a


property which is an array containing the strings




, and/or


depending on which makes the placement invalid. // tests completed

I am out of ideas. I know Certificcate Projects are for understanding and solving. But maybe there is an issue that is not from my side…

Can someone help me out?

solution: https://3000-freecodecam-boilerplate-judfmhxzekv.ws-eu116.gitpod.io

githubLink: GitHub - sinanoksz/Sudoku-Solver

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Quality Assurance Projects - Sudoku Solver

Is the github link what you used to clone this or is that the the project in it`s finished state? So far I was able to clone there boilerplate only. As far a the solution goes its kind of hard to help out because gitpod times out in thirty minutes. To sum it up how am I to run the program to so I can check it, may be you could post the two links you are using to run the test on FCC.