Quantifiers not explained at all

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let username = "JackOfAllTrades";
let userCheck = /^[a-z]{2,}+\d*$/i; // Change this line
let result = userCheck.test(username);

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i understood most of the stuff what was happening on this lesson. i got it almost right except the quantifiers are not explained at all. you might want to make a lesson for that so i don’t google for hours to try and find something so simple and input it in the lesson.

the solutions are submitted by other users, so sometimes they don’t really match, or are outdated
it can be solved with what you learned in previous regex lessons - why don’t you try? (you learned about some kind of quantifiers, didn’t you?)

I like to open a regextester and play with it to get the results I need. Regex is like scripting, in the sense that sometimes you need to write out what you are trying to match (or not match).


wow this is a great website thanx for posting it. i am more of a tester to see for myself what is going on rather copy someones answer. thx for the post

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In fact, blindly copying someone else’s answer is strongly discouraged, unless it is clear to you what that code does. This applies to everything, especially with the ones you could find on websites like StackOverflow.
In the FCC challenge environment (or any other learning platform/mean), it’s because you wouldn’t learn. Outside of FCC, it’s because it’s not 100% sure the answer someone gives might be the solution you need (your problem and their problem might not be exactly the same).

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There is a challenge about the quantity specifiers but it comes after this challenge.

It has been noted a few times and an issue was opened. It got closed because you do not need them to pass the challenge. Personally, I have to agree that it seems a bit odd that both the guide article, the challenge solution, and the fCC video is showing the {} quantifier for this challenge but the “specify-exact-number-of-matches” challenge is taught after the challenge.

yes, is a bit out of order. you don’t need quantifiers tho. you can solve it using +