I´m working on a Python problem asking me to extract the hour of the day for each of the email messages in a text file and count the number of times they appear.
This is my code so far.
name = input("Enter file:")
if len(name) < 1:
name = "mbox-short.txt"
handle = open(name)
for line in handle:
words = line.split()
if line.startswith("From"):
date = words[5:6]
It returns this:
I need to obtain the number before the first colon, butI´m lost about where to begin. Strings are immutable. I´ve tried .rstrip()
as well as running .split(":")
None of these are working. I know I have to utilize key/values in some way because the data needs to go into a dict()…but I´m unsure how.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated. I´m attaching a link to the text file referenced in the code.