Question About Search Results on Homepage

I noticed that if you search for something which doesn’t exist on freeCodeCamp, you get a blank page. Is this a bug or should something like “No Results Found” be clearly printed on the webpage?

Hi Randell,

Thanks for the reply. I meant in the specific case where there are no results found, it might be better to clearly display “No Results Found.”. Just a minor detail - I’ve included a screenshot to explain what I mean.

Thanks for reporting this, I believe @scissorsneedfoodtoo would have a better answer.

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@arjunnij, thank you for reporting this. It would be much better to show a “No Results Found” message if there are no search hits rather just a blank page. An alternative might be showing ‘No results found for “(search term)”.’ I can start working on this in the next day or two.

@camperextraordinaire, I remember you mentioning that search results take a long time to appear for you. Does this only happen on /news, or elsewhere like / and /learn? Also, do the results take a long time to appear on the dropdown, or also on the /news search results page?

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@camperextraordinaire, that’s an excellent idea. While it’s still possible for users to enter a random search term in the URL, I seriously doubt many will do that. Not showing a “No tutorial found” message at all seems like a much cleaner way to handle this. Better than seeing a quick flash of the message as tutorials are loaded.

I’ll start digging into this tomorrow, first on News, then on the main platform.