Hey all! I’ve been working on my tic tac toe game the past couple of days and while I feel I can get it to do what I need, I feel the code could be much more condensed. I haven’t finished all of the ai for the computer moves yet but it’s looking to be around 70+ if else statements which seems extreme. Any better ways to tackle this? Any help is appreciated!
Here’s the code I’m talking about. The full site is at http://codepen.io/jeffm64/pen/BLmjvv?editors=1011
function computerAI() {
//Win: If you have two in a row, play the third to get three in a row. if(board[0][0] === player2.symbol && board[0][1] === player2.symbol && board[0][2] !== player1.symbol && board[0][2] !== player2.symbol) { $(".tp-right").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[0][2] = player2.symbol; } else if(board[0][1] === player2.symbol && board[0][2] === player2.symbol && board[0][0] !== player1.symbol && board[0][0] !== player2.symbol) { $(".tp-left").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[0][0] = player2.symbol; }
//Block: If the opponent has two in a row, play the third to block them.
//Fork: Create an opportunity where you can win in two ways.
//Block Opponent's Fork: //Option 1: Create two in a row to force the opponent into defending, as long as it doesn't result in them creating a fork or winning. For example, if "X" has a corner, "O" has the center, and "X" has the opposite corner as well, "O" must not play a corner in order to win. (Playing a corner in this scenario creates a fork for "X" to win.) //Option 2: If there is a configuration where the opponent can fork, block that fork.
//Center: Play the center. else if(board[1][1] === "") { $(".md-mid").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[1][1] = player2.symbol; }
//Opposite Corner: If the opponent is in the corner, play the opposite corner. else if(board[0][0] === player1.symbol && board[2][2] !== player2.symbol) { $(".bm-right").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[2][2] = player2.symbol; } else if(board[0][2] === player1.symbol && board[2][0] !== player2.symbol) { $(".bm-left").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[2][0] = player2.symbol; } else if(board[2][0] === player1.symbol && board[0][2] !== player2.symbol) { $(".tp-right").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[0][2] = player2.symbol; } else if(board[2][2] === player1.symbol && board[0][0] !== player2.symbol) { $(".tp-left").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[0][0] = player2.symbol; }
//Empty Corner: Play an empty corner. else if(board[0][0] === "") { $(".tp-left").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[0][0] = player2.symbol; } else if(board[0][2] === "") { $(".tp-right").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[0][2] = player2.symbol; } else if(board[2][0] === "") { $(".bm-left").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[2][0] = player2.symbol; } else if(board[2][2] === "") { $(".bm-right").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[2][2] = player2.symbol; }
//Empty Side: Play an empty side. else if(board[1][0] === "") { $(".md-left").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[1][0] = player2.symbol; } else if(board[1][2] === "") { $(".md-right").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[1][2] = player2.symbol; } else if(board[0][1] === "") { $(".tp-mid").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[0][1] = player2.symbol; } else if(board[2][1] === "") { $(".bm-mid").append("<span class='" + player2.symbol +"'>" + player2.symbol +"</span>"); board[2][1] = player2.symbol; } checkWin(); if(diagonalComplete1 === 3 || diagonalComplete2 === 3) { console.log("You win"); } else { player1.turn = true; player2.turn = false; }