Random Colors - Quote Machine

In the example Quote Machine, the colors change when the New Quote button is clicked. In my project I made an array of color rgb values as strings. I then use jQuery .css() to update the color, like this:

var colors = [
  "rgba(241, 228, 243, 1);",
  "rgba(244, 187, 211, 1);",
  "rgba(246, 134, 189, 1);",
  "rgba(254, 93, 159, 1);",

  "rgba(3, 25, 38, 1);",
  "rgba(70, 129, 137, 1);",
  "rgba(119, 172, 162, 1);",
  "rgba(157, 190, 187, 1);",
  "rgba(244, 233, 205, 1);",

  "rgba(9, 64, 116, 1);",
  "rgba(60, 105, 151, 1);",
  "rgba(90, 219, 255, 1);",
  "rgba(255, 221, 74, 1);",
  "rgba(254, 144, 0, 1);",

  "rgba(83, 55, 71, 1);",
  "rgba(95, 80, 107, 1);",
  "rgba(106, 107, 131, 1);",
  "rgba(118, 148, 159, 1);",
  "rgba(134, 187, 189, 1);",

  "rgba(222, 239, 183, 1);",
  "rgba(152, 223, 175, 1);",
  "rgba(95, 180, 156, 1);",
  "rgba(104, 45, 99, 1);",
  "rgba(214, 210, 210, 1);"

  $("#generateQoute").on("click", function() {
    $.getJSON(api, function(json) {
      $("#author").html("<cite>-- " + json.quoteAuthor + "</cite>");
      $("#quote").css("color", colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * 23) + 1]);

If I hard code a string into the .css() it works, but I think it’s not reading the array color from the array index, which should be a string. Any advice would be great!

Actually, it’s working now. I had to remove the semicolons from the strings.