Random quote generator, feedback appreciated

No problem @ozmos

Hello @ozmos
check my forth FCC project
Here: https://codepen.io/Hooriahic/full/aKodaM/
give me any advice or feedback

unfortunately doesn’t load from my laptop, but neither does mine!

hey ozmos!
you will open your location to detect your current location weather

It’s working now, my laptop is a bit temperamental when it comes to geo-location. The app looks good and functions well. Does using this function: var obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json));
Improve the speed at which the information loads? Here is a link to my same project for comparison. (I had a lot of trouble with page loading times): https://codepen.io/ozmos/pen/JvgpRG
and my first one which loads even slower: https://codepen.io/ozmos/pen/MGMbpY

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Its really good i like your project and app is loading too fast

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hi @ozmos !
How are you?

I’m good. if you want to chat use the messenger function. This will prevent other people who have contributed to this discussion from getting frequent updates from this conversation> :smiley:

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