Random Quote Machine 1 / 2 - progress feedback

So here is my project. I have gone back and started tweaking the media query to make it look larger on smaller devices. I spent a long time trying to figure out why the api wouldn’t work. After googling, I realized that it was codepen.

I have been running along pretty smoothly and I understand everything I am seeing. The algorithm section didn’t stump me but I felt like I hit my first difficulty increase. The JSON / API info feels like I crashed into a brick wall and got off track. I can watch tutorials all day and understand them, but when its all said and done, I don’t feel like I am accomplishing things on my own. Its a little frustrating but a friend who has been working in Front End development for a while has told me to keep moving along and experience actually using what I have learned will help.

I have the following books to read through and a new desk to work on at home (I was sitting on the floor):
Learn JavaScript Visually
Eloquent JavaSript
JavaScript: The Good Parts
HTML & CSS / JavaScript & JQuery - Joe Duckett

So a little more reading and then onto the Weather project! If anyone can let me know what they think, I would appreciate it.

First draft with codepen and quote array.
Second draft with JSON/API.

I struggled a lot with the API calls for the JSON portion as well. Lots of frustration and anguish lol. Using the OpenWeatherMap API will be much easier for you thanks to the Quote Machine though. Anyways well done! Might consider placing the blocks in the vertical center of the page.

Thanks, looking forward to the weather project. I will get that vertically centered when I get back home!