Random Quote Machine: Cannot make it fancy, please help

Troubles: 1. Cannot make hidden Twitter share button visible; 2. Cannot change button text.

Relevant codes here:

  $("#twitter_button").css("display", "block");
  $("#getMessage").prop('value', 'Get another.');

Have you fixed the issue?

I cannot find your codes in your Code Pen anymore.


Thank you for asking. I’ve solved the second problem. Now it can change button text after click. But cannot solve the first one, which is to show hidden Twitter share button after click. I’ve searched through and tried ‘display’ and ‘visibility’, tried ‘addClass’ and ‘.css(‘value’, ‘sth’)’. But get no luck.

I should have forked a copy of the old version. But right, I don’t have the old version anymore. Can you still help me with the first problem, please?

Problem solved. I used a script code by Twitter to add a button. This is why I cannot use JS later to do anything with it.