Random Quote React App Feedback

Hi everyone, just finished my random quote react app.
Your feedbacks would be very much appreciated.
Thanks :smiley:

Project link: https://codepen.io/niranad/full/RwpGEGM

Hey @JohnO, when I narrow my browser all the way in the quote box gets quite skinny and there are 1-2 words per line yet there is still room on the sides to expand the box and let the content breathe a little more. I would suggest you take advantage of all of the horizontal space to display the quote when the view port is narrow.

Thanks @bbsmooth.

I adjusted the width to 60% of the body, initially 50%, and reduced the quote-box div to 20px, initially 30px. Looks better.

Hi everyone, just finished my random quote react app.
Your feedbacks would be very much appreciated.
Thanks :smiley:

I just added a *previous-quotes functionality which stores each previously-viewed quote and author (originally fetched from a random quotes API) as an object in an array in a state property, and retrieves them in order (from last viewed to first viewed) as you click the Previous quotes button.

Please check out the app in its entirety and give your feedback on anything you feel could be done better+.

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

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Project link: https://codepen.io/niranad/full/RwpGEGM

i really like the changes you made on the previous quotes button. nice work! : )

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