React - Components Rendering Other Components


I’m currently tinkering with the recipe box come up and I’ve had a question arise.

I have an App component that looks like this:

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="recipe-book">
          <Recipe title="Spaghetti"/> 

Notice how RecipeContainer contains a Recipe component?

Currently RecipeContainer only returns a Div, like so

class RecipeContainer extends Component {

      return (
        <div className="recipe-container">

When my App is rendered, I do not see my “spaghetti” recipe inside the div. All that RecipeContainer actually adds to the dom is an empty <div>. Now, I know that I am explicitly telling it to render an empty div, but because I have nested a Recipe component inside of the ReciepeContainer component in App.js why is this not respected?

I can get the behaviour I want with this code:

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="recipe-book">

  class RecipeContainer extends Component {

      return (
        <div className="recipe-container">
           <Recipe title="Spaghetti"/>

BUT I feel like this sort of hides the relationships of all my elements in App.js (ie. you cant see that the recipe contianer has any recipe components inside of it).

Am I doing something wrong with my code to have this not work? Am I supposed to be “hiding” the relationships between components (like in my working code)? Just wondering if this is possible to do, and also what best practice would be…

Thanks everyone!

I’m not sure hiding is such a bad thing. Why should other (unrelated) components have to know all the details about what the recipe container is doing, in other words.

Anyway… to nest components, I think you’ll have to put a {this.props.children} in the parent component’s render.

class RecipeContainer extends Component {
      return (
        <div className="recipe-container">RecipeContainer
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All of your individual components should just be concerned with rendering their own view. So, no its not a bad thing that app doesn’t know about the details of recipe.

If your RecipeContainer is just rendering a div why not just put the div inside app?

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="recipe-book">
        <div className="recipe-container">
          <Recipe title="Spaghetti"/> 
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For your first example to work, you have to use the built-in children prop. So, change your RecipeContainer component to look something like:

import React from 'react';

class RecipeContainer extends React.Component {
 render() {
    return (
      <div className="recipe-container">

You can find a reference to this special prop in the React docs at:

Hope that helps.


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Thank you everyone. This was all very helpful :slight_smile:

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