React: nav bar not rendering

I have divided the nav component to two components , using pathname to render properly still its not rendering

import './Navbar.css'
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';

const navbarManage = () => {
    return (
                    <NavLink to='/'><h1>LOGO</h1></NavLink>\

const navbarDefault = () => {
    return (
                <li className="logout">
                    <NavLink to='/auth'><button>Logout</button></NavLink>
                </li >
                <li className="logo">
                    EVENT MANAGEMENT
             </li >
                <li className="make_events">
                    <NavLink to='/manageevent/makeevent'><button>Make Events</button></NavLink>

export class Navbar extends Component {

render() {

    let nav;

    if(window.location.pathname === '/'){
        nav = <navbarDefault/>;
        nav = <navbarManage/>;

    return (

export default Navbar;

What happens, when you:

  • give the navbar component an uppercase name, e.g. <Navbar />
  • add the conditional logic into {nav}

Next time, please add a codesandbox example.

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