Really want to learn how to code.... But what I keep seeing is just addition and creating of variables I want the real world stuff

How do you learn how to code…
I mean the real world stuff…
I really want to be a pro in Jscript…
Hope I could get a tutor that’ll be incredible…
And I’d be forever an apprentice to my master

I’ve been going through…
With the loops and functions and objects…
It all just looks too abstract…

Not sure how it all comes together to create an app…
I see some pros using it as if they own the language, just putting stuff together I really want to be a pro…
Whatever it takes

Oook sir…
I guess I’m too eager to start making a difference using my code…

I’ll go back and crawl I guess😢

I really hope…
I’d get to learn Jscript in a practical way…
Applicable manner I mean without getting too technical with the vocabulary of the entire language