Recursion for "Sum All Odd Fibonaccis" Challenge

Hi together
It took me a few days, but I passed the “Sum All Odd Fibonaccis” Challenge.

I have 2 Questions:
1 How good/bad is my code (I think not to bad)?
2 Actually it should be possible to get all Fibonacci Numbers by using Recursion. But can I use Recursion to solve this challenge too? Including just sum the odd Numbers?

Your code so far

function sumFibs(num) {
let fibs = [1 ,1], temp = fibs[fibs.length - 1];

while (temp <= num) {
  temp += fibs[fibs.length - 2];
  if (temp <= num) fibs.push(temp);

return fibs.reduce((accumulator, current) => { 
  return ((current % 2) !== 0) ? (accumulator + current) : (accumulator + 0);


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Challenge: Sum All Odd Fibonacci Numbers

Link to the challenge:

Here’s one example with a recursive solution. The function takes the latest two Fibonacci numbers (n and m) and the sum of all odd numbers as parameters.

function sumFibs(num) {

  const fibsumRecursion = (n, m, sum) => {

    if (m <= num ){                   /* as long as the latest number is smaller than num... */

      sum = m%2 !== 0 ? sum+m : sum;  /* if the  latest number is odd, add it to sum */
      [n,m] = [m, n+m];               /* use array destructuring to find the next two numbers */
      return fibsum(n, m, sum)        /* run the function again with new parameters */

    } else {
      return sum
  return fibsumRecursion(1,1,1)       /* initialise with n=1, m=1 --> sum is already 1*/

I’m not sure if this is super readable, but it avoids building the whole array of numbers first.