Regular Expressions - Match Characters that Occur One or More Times

Hi yall, can someone please explain the difference between using brackets and not using brackets please, from what i understood using the global g, and using brackets are both used for finding multiple matches?
Your code so far

let difficultSpelling = "Mississippi";
let myRegex = /ss+/g; // Change this line
let result = difficultSpelling.match(myRegex);

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Challenge: Regular Expressions - Match Characters that Occur One or More Times

Link to the challenge:

do you mean square brackets? or curly braces?
fyi, you can find a handy regex cheat sheet here:

/g is for finding all the matches (not just the first string to match)

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Yeah square brackets, i’m going to study over the linked page in a sec though thank you!

the square brackets don’t find multiple matches they just define a grouping (a character class) that you want to match

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