Relational DB - Build Five Programs: Instructions unclear

Although this step requires not only to write an if statement, but also to delete echo $NUMBER statement to pass, instructions and hints are not telling the user that it needs to be deleted.

It was not supposed to be deleted in previous steps and will remain after reset the code.

I think those instructions and hints need to be corrected.

Hi, @etudient welcome to the freeCodeCamp forum!

You might be right. Your observation might help to improve the clarity of the question.

This is something you want to contribute with? We here in the forum are not working on the changes, but it would be great if you can open an issue with your views here (and probably contribute to an open source project by making the change yourself :wink:): GitHub · Where software is built

You could make reference to this link pointing to the exercise, which is the one they are using to create the challenges for that project:

Thanks for the comments!

I just found this in the hint of the exercise though:

  • Make sure you only have two echo statements in your script, the title being one of them

Maybe it is not clear enough, but there was some effort to clarify what to do.