Reluctant to share at first but here it is: My Personal Porfolio

Finished the “build a personal portfolio” project yesterday, but I’ve been reluctant to share as many of the portfolios I’ve seen on the forum are just WOW and mine, MEH!

Anyhoo, here goes nothing:

Kizito’s Porfolio



I beg to differ; I think yours looks very nice. My personal suggestion from viewing on phone would be to add some space between the project divide lines and the pictures. Otherwise, looks good, is responsive, and works well.

It’s good :slight_smile:.

Maybe move your picture to a major section of your page? It’s a page about you after all.

The fact that you shared your portfolio here already tells something. :thumbsup:
Just keep coding! :wink:

I like your page a lot, honestly. Really like the layout of it.

Only small complaint is when I mouse over your pic at the top a grey box appears and looks a bit sloppy. I would remove the grey box just around your picture.

Other than that I like it. Great job

WOW! :grinning:

Thanks guys for the feedbacks. :raised_hands:

Just done that, thanks! :slight_smile:

I currently do not have a Hi-res image of me. :cry:

Yup! Just began basic JS thanks. :slight_smile:

Didn’t notice that initially, but fixed now. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Hello @kizeeto,

I cannot see your logo with class img-circle. Looking into F12, I see, you are getting two

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

Also, I thought you could probably enhance the look and feel if you change the background color of your container div.

Otherwise great work bro :wink: :tada: