Remote jobs for Freshers

Hello Everyone!! Hope you all are doing well. I recently graduated as a software engineer from the university and currently looking for a remote job with my basic skills of programming. Can anyone please help me out!!!
It would be much appreciated.

A few years ago I would have said that a remote job is nearly impossible for a “fresher”. Of course, in our current apocalypse, remote work has become common and some places might be willing to take on a junior as remote. It’s not easy or anything, but it might be less difficult. And you have a degree - I think that helps for new remote positions because they know that you are legit.

Work on your resume, build up a portfolio, work on your linkin profile, work on your interviewing skills…

Does your uni help with finding jobs? Networking?

Look for jobs on Indeed, Stack Overflow, Glass Door,, wherever else.


Thanks a Lot!!!:v::v:
Can you also help me out with how to get into open source projects…
As I can get a little experience

Yeah … open source …

That is a great way to get some experience. I also found that a lot of projects can be chaotic and “the wild west”. Several times I have claimed a ticket and just had someone sweep in and submit it behind my back. I once had a PR sit for almost a year, without comment. I tagged the right people, no comment. A year later someone submits a PR for the same ticket, same code, and it got approved the same day.

I’ve also found more friendly and organized repos. You just have to look. Some will even mark issues that are good for beginners. Of course FCC is an open source project.

I find open source to be a pain, but others may love it. Give it a shot - it does look good on a resume, especially if it is a project of which they’ve heard. It’s also a good way to get exposed to different code and different work flows.


Thanks a lot, Kevin. This really helped me out. I am grateful for your reply, with a developer community like this…it surely help a lot of students and beginners in their career path.

Yes, I also want a remote job. I’m working in a lawn care service company

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