Remove Whitespace from Start and End with Capture Groups

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The task is to write a regex and use the appropriate string methods to remove whitespace at the beginning and end of strings.

// My solution - fails test

let hello = "   Hello, World!   ";
let wsRegex = /^(\s+)|\1$/g;
let result = hello.replace(wsRegex, ""); 
console.log("my result = " + result) 
//my result = Hello, World!  

i’m failed because i’m not removing the trailing whitespace.
i noticed that i’m not removing the trailing whitespace.
i thought the \1 is to match the first group.(\s+) (the beginning whitespace)
but why the \1$ can’t match the trailing whitespace???

// FreeCodeCamp solution - passes test

let hello2 = "   Hello, World!  ";
let wsRegex2 = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
let result2 = hello2.replace(wsRegex2, "");

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Challenge: Remove Whitespace from Start and End

Link to the challenge:

The back reference (i.e. \1) actually reuses the text and not the pattern of the capture group. In this case, "Hello, World! " and not (\s+).

Please don’t revive old threads. Thanks

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