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Well, I completed the first project. I tried some new things and I omitted a few other items from the first few lessons. I will probably go back and touch it up after I learn more!

Be gentle!


Please review my tribute page:

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not my best but i think it suffices, no?


try this page

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Hi, Iā€™m struggling with my image which I canā€™t get to center correctly. I have searched google for answers but I just canā€™t figure out why the image wonā€™t center. When I remove the row-class the image centers but then the thumbnail gets too wide for the image (it creates lika an 1 inch border on the right and left side). Please help!

Link to pen:


Here is my template I have been steadily changing it on local host and making great progress.

Yet I got stuck trying to replace the ā€œClear View Escapesā€ svg in the header with ā€œMr. Henderson Portfolioā€ svg??
Same size 142x60px in fact the one loaded is slightly over that size so I made it exactly the same size and it didnt workā€¦ I even named it the same file name just incase I was missing some css or js yet NOTHING seems to make it renderā€¦

Now the origianla clear view escapes doesnt render on local host even though I put it back 3 times and it worked 3 times,ā€¦
so the code checks on di difference checker with the master fileā€¦

NOTE: I got all the svg icons to resolve on one file with the new mr henderson svg properlyā€¦ then its just supposed to render once it creates the file with all the sprites togetherā€¦ at this point it should just point to the fileā€¦ Yet it seems to have a mind of its ownā€¦ When I do ā€œgulp iconsā€ command in terminal it creates the folders and respective files on the fly then gulp watch reloads everything ā€¦ When I replace the original file it should just work because I have changed nothing??? Very confusing please help I cannot seem to get thisā€¦ I can send the site files to you its largeā€¦


Good Evening. Please let me know what you think of my Tribute page.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


Joe M.


I added the following classes to my img tag - img-responsive and center-block

Tribute page.

Feel free to critique.


Check out my Tribute to Ronnie James Dio - The Metal Legend


hello hnobi,
you can check my tribute page.

i used only HTML and CSS.
if you want to improve your level you can use bootstrap but without bootstrap you can make your tribute page.


Here is by tribute page :slight_smile:

Hi Printassia,

  1. you can do both, but it is always better to keep the CSS in a separate file, as you did.
  2. which ones?
  3. personally I like it like this. Maybe you could add a white border.

Very nice page, by the way :slight_smile:


<p data-height="265" data-theme-id="0" data-slug-hash="NvWGGr" data-default-tab="html,result" data-user="Ready_Player_One" data-embed-version="2" data-pen-title="Tribute page" class="codepen">See the Pen <a href="">Tribute page</a> by Ready Player One (<a href="">@Ready_Player_One</a>) on <a href="">CodePen</a>.</p>

so Iā€™ve been having some trouble for weeks now trying to make the content in my projects button to appear so far all the thumbnails have failed to appear when I click on the button itself. any suggestions on how to fix this? here is a link to the portfolio on code pen


Great tribute!
You maybe can adjust its responsive design and I think that add more padding between section itā€™ll look better.

Can you guys review my effort. Its my first time. So comment about the improvements that can be made. Thank you :slight_smile:
Link is here.


Hello guys! i just to know how is my code?
Please rate.


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Hi guys! Have a look at my tribute!
Iā€™ve had some trouble getting the img and the quote centered, maybe you can help? :grinning:
I used col-xs-*based grid, and col-xs-offset to move the img, but this does not center it. I tried ā€œblock-centerā€, but this will olnly work with a fixed widthā€¦so Iā€™m kinda stuck here! Any input will be appreciated! :slight_smile:

Edit: how do i embed the link, so that this nice codePen window appears? :blush: