Reseting FreeCodeCamp Account

Hey Quincy, I got a certification on the “Responsive Web Design” and just now I finished Basic JavaScript and wanna reset my Basic JavaScript. Is there any way to do this ?

you can’t reset just part of your account, but you can manually go back to the first lesson in the Basic JavaScript section, and do again all those challenges

Please may i ask what approach you intend to follow (or are following?) Because it doesn’t seem to work for me too.

I too wish to reset my progress, I think you need to ad this feature…

I actually found the feature that resets all your progress, But if you try repeating a sctions how would you know where your up to ? not that i want to do that :slight_smile:

Hi @MickR!

Welcome to the forum!

If you wish to reset all of your progress than that feature does exist.

If you wish to only reset one section than like @ilenia said you can just go back through that section and repeat those challenges.

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