Returns of my functions not logging to console

I’m trying to understand why this isn’t logging to the console:

let generateTarget = () => {
  return Math.floor(Math.Random() * 10);
let humanGuess = () => {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
let compGuess = () => {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
console.log(generateTarget(), humanGuess(), compGuess());

Am I not invoking the functions correctly? Thank you

You should be seeing an error in your console that Math.Random isn’t a function.

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@ArielLeslie I’m not seeing that error, but I’m using Codepen and it never seems to give me errors, it just doesn’t output anything. Is there something I should use that would give me feedback on what I’ve done wrong?

I also didn’t realize I was using Math.random as a function. I thought it would just return the Math.random value when I invoked the function.

CodePen has a faux console, but you can see the real console by opening the actual browser’s console (hit F12).

Math.random is a function. Math.Random is not.

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Second line, it’s Math.random() not Math.Random().

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@ArielLeslie Thanks I fixed that. Can I ask you why, if I put this console.log... in my function, it doesn’t log?

let generateTarget = () => {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);

Because your console.log line is after the return statement. A return ends the function execution.

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