Reuse Patterns Using Capture Groups - advanced

When I learn the lesson " Find Characters with Lazy Matching"

I wonder there may be a requirement “match repeat elements”, like I wrote below:

<parameter key="onepeice" value="1" />
<parameter key="theotherpeice" value="2" type="0"/>

I use /<parameter.*?\/>.*?<parameter.*?\/>/ to match the two special parameters one time

now I tried /(<parameter.*?\/>).*?\1/ , and the result is different

so how should I reduce this repeat part?

ill take another look. but first things first. this, seems like no good syntax to me:


.* means: 0 or more.
? means, 0 or 1
in otherwords
.* overlaps ?

in the challenge you link to, no repeat is needed.
the solution is:

let myRegex = /<h1>/;

but you prob know this already.
can you give better example of what strings you wanna match this on?

sorry for late reply
according to my understanding, .*? means match any string in lazy mode. In this mode, matching stops at the first time when found the sub-string which meets the rules of the regExp context
Then I should re-define xmlInfo as

<parameter key="onepeice" value="1" />
<parameter key="theotherpeice" value="2" type="0"/>
<parameter key="a" value="1" />
<parameter key="b" value="1" />
<parameter key="c" value="1" />
<parameter key="d" value="1" />

so using/<parameter.*?\/>.*?<parameter.*?\/>/ should found this part

<parameter key="onepeice" value="1" />
<parameter key="theotherpeice" value="2" type="0"/>

otherwise I got almost the whole xmlInfo if I delete the character “?” in the regExp
the issue is how to reduce the repeated part in /<parameter.*?\/>.*?<parameter.*?\/>/