Reveiw javascript fundamentals by building a grade book step 4

  let sum = 0;

  for (const score of scores) {
    sum += score;

  return sum / scores.length;

function getGrade(score) {
  if (score === 100) {
    return "A++";
  } else if (score >= 90) {
    return "A";
  } else if (score >= 80) {
    return "B";
  } else if (score >= 70) {
    return "C";
  } else if (score >= 60) {
    return "D";
  } else {
    return "F";

function hasPassingGrade(score) {
  return getGrade(score) !== "F";

function studentMsg(totalScores, studentScore) {
 let courseResult
if (hasPassingGrade(studentScore)) 
{courseResult = "You passed the course."}
{courseResult = "You failed the course." }
return "Class average:  "+getAverage(totalScores)+ ". Your Grade  "+getGrade(studentScore)+ ".  "+courseResult;
console.log(studentMsg([92, 88, 12, 77, 57, 100, 67, 38, 97, 89], 37));

i cant see what im doing wrong it gives me the message on console but doesnot pass the test can anyone see where i have made the mistake
ive been looking at this for ages and cant spot the mistake .

Hi there!

You need to have correct spacing and punctuation within the returning string.

thanks for the help almost pulled my hair out

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