Review DOM Manipulation by Building a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - Step 4

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<!-- file: index.html -->

/* file: styles.css */

/* file: script.js */
// User Editable Region

const playerScoreSpanElement = document.getElementById("player-score");
const computerScoreSpanElement = document.getElementById("computer-score");
const roundResultsMsg = document.getElementById("results-msg");

function showResults(userOption) {
  roundResultsMsg.innerText = getRoundResults(userOption);
  playerScoreSpanElement.innerText = playerScore;
  computerScoreSpanElement = computerScore;


// User Editable Region

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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

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Review DOM Manipulation by Building a Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - Step 4

for the other two elements you used a specific thing to change the text of the element, here you also need to do that

thank you for the help

How did you know the value would equals computerScore and playerScore?

I don’t understand the question, can you add more details?