Review JavaScript Fundamentals by Building a Gradebook App - Step 4

Tell us what’s happening:

I can´t find what´s wrong with my code. It prints the right message

Your code so far

function getAverage(scores) {
  let sum = 0;

  for (const score of scores) {
    sum += score;

  return sum / scores.length;

function getGrade(score) {
  if (score === 100) {
    return "A++";
  } else if (score >= 90) {
    return "A";
  } else if (score >= 80) {
    return "B";
  } else if (score >= 70) {
    return "C";
  } else if (score >= 60) {
    return "D";
  } else {
    return "F";

function hasPassingGrade(score) {
  return getGrade(score) !== "F";

// User Editable Region

function studentMsg(totalScores, studentScore) {
  let courseResult ="You passed the course."
    courseResult= "You failed the course."
  return "Class average: " +getAverage(totalScores) + ".Your Grade: " +getGrade(studentScore)+". " +courseResult
console.log(studentMsg([92, 88, 12, 77, 57, 100, 67, 38, 97, 89],  37));

// User Editable Region

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Review JavaScript Fundamentals by Building a Gradebook App - Step 4

Is it identical to the target output down to every single space?

For comparison, try putting this console.log below the existing one:

// expected output
console.log("Class average: 71.7. Your grade: F. You failed the course.")

It is, it´s not working

I tries, still not working

Hi there!

You have spacing issues in the above return statement. Watch it closely. Also your Grade word (not the function) should have lowercase g.

No, your spaces are not exactly identical to the requirements


This is not what identical mean. There are at least two differences

It´s identical now, and still not working

show your code please

function studentMsg(totalScores, studentScore) {
  let courseResult ="You passed the course."
    courseResult="You failed the course."
  return "Class average:" + getAverage(totalScores) + ". Your grade: " +   getGrade(studentScore) + ". " + courseResult
console.log(studentMsg([92, 88, 12, 77, 57, 100, 67, 38, 97, 89], 37));

Your spaces are not yet identical

I got it now, thank you

Have you added that console log? if the two strings don’t match you need to do more work