Review JavaScript Fundamentals by Building a Gradebook App - Step 4

Tell us what’s happening:

  1. Your function call of studentMsg([92, 88, 12, 77, 57, 100, 67, 38, 97, 89], 37) should return the following message: “Class average: 71.7. Your grade: F. You failed the course.”.
  2. Your function call of studentMsg([56, 23, 89, 42, 75, 11, 68, 34, 91, 19], 100) should return the following message: “Class average: 50.8. Your grade: A++. You passed the course.”.
  3. Your studentMsg function should return the correct message based on the student’s score and the class average.

Your code so far

function getAverage(scores) {
  let sum = 0;

  for (const score of scores) {
    sum += score;

  return sum / scores.length;

function getGrade(score) {
  if (score === 100) {
    return "A++";
  } else if (score >= 90) {
    return "A";
  } else if (score >= 80) {
    return "B";
  } else if (score >= 70) {
    return "C";
  } else if (score >= 60) {
    return "D";
  } else {
    return "F";

function hasPassingGrade(score) {
  return getGrade(score) !== "F";

// User Editable Region

function studentMsg(totalScores, studentScore) {

console.log(studentMsg([92, 88, 12, 77, 57, 100, 67, 38, 97, 89], 37));

// User Editable Region

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Review JavaScript Fundamentals by Building a Gradebook App - Step 4

Please Tell us what’s happening in your own words.

Learning to describe problems is hard, but it is an important part of learning how to code.

Also, the more you say, the more we can help!

Hi @farhaaaan

The studentMsg needs to return text and variables.
Try adding the text first, then check the console.

For next time, describe the issue in your own words. Learning to communicate problems is a part of becoming a web developer.

Happy coding

the function is empty, did you try to write anything before asking for help?