Review my Github Portfolio Website

Hey I’m starting freelancing as Front-End Developer and created a github portfolio can you review my work and suggest me some tips…

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Everything is solid! The animations are incredible. The nav is also incredible, but…

The contact form is hard to contrast.

Also, I don’t think I can see your projects that you have done.

Anyway, incredible job!

I agree 100% with razzakammar_nano.  The animation rocks! Not too much nor to little, spot on.    The color  choice issue is just a matter of taste and usually the point at which your customer drives you crazy :D

It seems you have cleaned the EXIFDATA from your CV,  my respect for that.  Last quick hint: You have 2 and not only one of your contact addresses in "ClearType" published. I would mentioned to do the encrypted and just one non-personal addresses. its simple to dangerous.

stay tuned