Please review my local weather app project and suggest ways of improvement. It display very well on laptop but does not display well on mobile device.
Kindly check my html and bootstrap and suggest ways of making it appear perfectly on a mobile device. That will teach a lot concerning responsive design. See link below
Your app look nice. You can add some media query or bootstrap to your css to make it responsive and look good on mobile devices. For example, you can make it one column on mobile screen and 2 column on larger screens. Good job on your work. Happy coding!
Great job! I like how you used a person’s ip address to get their location. I did the same for my weather app.
For suggested changes:
For your setIcon() function, you could try using a switch statement.
In CSS, you can write comments using /* */.
/* These types of comments work in css */
// These types of comments do not work in css. However, they work in JS and SCSS.
Great job and keep up the awesome work!
@jinrawx and @mikeale03. Thanks so much.
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