Review of my first landing page

Hi guys and girls, I have been following free codecamp and at the same time got into some government sponsored courses and now I am looking for an internship in Germany.
This is my site. You are allowed to speak frankly what you do not like… :slight_smile:

It is based on the GitHub. Pages … and I know I still need to change the favicon…!

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I suggest to either not center the menu items OR you could increase the size of the font of the menu items. Just my opinion.

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Right, now I see it, there is an imbalance between the title and the menu items in size…
good tip. I will try to increase the menu items and see if better


Responsiveness is well done. My only critique is the website is VERY text heavy. Like there is basically only text. Add some images?


Yes , thats a good one… A few more images and one in the summary per article can be done…!
