Roman Numeral Converter - All test pass in node but fail in fcc platform

Tell us what’s happening:
All the tests pass / produce the desired outcomes.
I’ve console.logged “expected result” and “result” side by side - for all your tests & all match.
How come not all pass on the platform?

Your code so far

function convertToRoman(num) {
 let conv1 = {
   1: "I", 2: "II", 3: "III", 4: "IV", 5: "V",6: "VI",7: "VII",8: "VIII", 9: "IX"
 let conv2 = {
   1: "X", 2: "XX", 3: "XXX", 4: "XL", 5: "L", 6: "LX", 7: "LXX", 8: "LXXX", 9: "XC"
 let conv3 = {
   1: "C", 2: "CC", 3: "CCC", 4: "CD", 5: "D", 6: "DC", 7: "DCC", 8: "DCCC", 9: "CM"
 let conv4 = {
   1: "M", 2: "MM", 3: "MMM", 4: "MMMM", 5: "V", 6: "VM", 7:"VMM", 8: "VMMM", 9: "VMMMM"
let len = String(num).length
let thing = String(num)
if (len === 1){
  for (let i in conv1){if (i === thing){return conv1[i]}}
if (len === 2){
  let res = []
  for (let i in conv2){if (i === thing[0]){res.push(conv2[i])}}
  for (let i in conv1){if (i === thing[1]){res.push(conv1[i])}}
  return res.join("")
if (len === 3){
  res = []
  for (let i in conv3){if (i === thing[0]) {res.push(conv3[i])}}
  for (let i in conv2){if (i === thing[1]) {res.push(conv2[i])}}
  for (let i in conv1){if (i === thing[2]) {res.push(conv1[i])}}
  return res.join("")
if (len === 4){
  res = []
  for (let i in conv4){if (i === thing[0]) {res.push(conv4[i])}}
  for (let i in conv3){if (i === thing[1]) {res.push(conv3[i])}}
  for (let i in conv2){if (i === thing[2]) {res.push(conv2[i])}}
  for (let i in conv1){if (i === thing[3]) {res.push(conv1[i])}}
  return res.join("")


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Challenge: Roman Numeral Converter

Link to the challenge:

Welcome, Simon.

You have 2 cases of undeclared variable res.

In the fCC editor, the default setting on the compiler is 'use strict'. So, in some environments the declaration can be ignored. However, this is bad practice. So, declare all of your variables.

I hope this helps

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if you want to get the same errors in an other environment you can activate the strict mode mentioned by @Sky020 writing 'use strict' (quotes included) in the first line of your code

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Many thanks! In the words of Homer Simpson Doh!

Yes that helped. Thanks.