An Introduction to Ruby String Operations

Both concatenation and multiplication can be performed on strings.


  • Strings can be joined together using any of the following methods:
    • + operator
    • << operator
    • .concat method
"Hello" + " World" + "!"  #=> Hello World!
"Hello" << " World!" #=> Hello World!
string1 = "Hello"
string2 = " World!"
string1.concat(string2) #=> Hello World!


  • Strings can be multiplied by an integer value using the * operator.
"Hello" * 3 #=> HelloHelloHello

Replacing a substring

  • We can search for sub-strings or use Regex for searching and replacing character within a string.
"Hey mom, look at this string".sub('mom', 'dad') #=> Hey dad, look at this string


  • Strings can be compared, returns -1, 0, +1 or nil depending on whether string is less than, equal to, or greater than other_string.
"abcdef" <=> "abcde"     #=> 1
"abcdef" <=> "abcdef"    #=> 0
"abcdef" <=> "abcdefg"   #=> -1
"abcdef" <=> "ABCDEF"    #=> 1