Run external program without hanging server fast-api

Im attempting to run a Fast-Api server in [python](advertisment redacted) that handles a process that takes around 30-40 seconds to complete. The Second script is using the Selenium Module to gather images that get processed so I don’t think it can be handled with normal async operation. I’m looking to have this second script function as a sort of background worker that doesn’t stall other requests from being ran.

At the moment i have the server exectute the program and return its output but the problem is it stalls the server and goes 1 by 1. Ideally this process would run multiple at once and return them as completed.

example of my code: FastApi App:

from fastapi import FastAPI
import sys
import subprocess
app = FastAPI()

def run_program():
    s2_out = s2_out = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, ""])
    return s2_out

async def read_root():
    return run_program() Code (What The Server is getting output from):

import sys,time,random
counter = 0

def main():
    global counter
    timeValue = random.randint(0,10)
    print(f'Run Number:{counter} | Finished after:{timeValue} Seconds')
    counter += 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main() Code (What Im testing the server with.)

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import requests
Counter = 0
def main():
    global Counter
    PreviousNum = Counter
    print(f'Sending Request Number:{PreviousNum}')
    r = requests.get('')
    print(f'Request Number:{PreviousNum} Finished With Response:{r.content.decode()}')
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
    for x in range(10):
        Counter += 1 returns

Sending Request Number:0
Sending Request Number:1
Sending Request Number:2
Sending Request Number:3
Sending Request Number:4
Sending Request Number:5
Sending Request Number:6
Sending Request Number:7
Sending Request Number:8
Sending Request Number:9
Request Number:3 Finished With Response:"Run Number:0 | Finished after:10 Seconds\r\n"
Request Number:6 Finished With Response:"Run Number:0 | Finished after:10 Seconds\r\n"
Request Number:2 Finished With Response:"Run Number:0 | Finished after:0 Seconds\r\n"
Request Number:5 Finished With Response:"Run Number:0 | Finished after:10 Seconds\r\n"
Request Number:9 Finished With Response:"Run Number:0 | Finished after:6 Seconds\r\n"
Request Number:4 Finished With Response:"Run Number:0 | Finished after:5 Seconds\r\n"
Request Number:7 Finished With Response:"Run Number:0 | Finished after:8 Seconds\r\n"
Request Number:8 Finished With Response:"Run Number:0 | Finished after:1 Seconds\r\n"
Request Number:0 Finished With Response:"Run Number:0 | Finished after:2 Seconds\r\n"
Request Number:1 Finished With Response:"Run Number:0 | Finished after:5 Seconds\r\n"

I know that Run Number is off. Its something I should’ve passed as an argument instead of putting inside the script. But all of the items went 1 by 1. That cause it to take 67 seconds.

The Ideal way and way I am looking for this server to run is the total time taking around 10-11 seconds. Since 10 seconds was the highest sleep value.

Is there a way I can have the server run through subprocess in a new thread and return each value as they complete instead of waiting 1 by 1?.

I don’t think subprocess supports using returning values through async.

Any help at all Is appreciated. Thank you

In FastAPI, you should define such endpoint without the async keyword or await an async operation in the function body. FastAPI will be then able to run your request outside of the loop automatically, so other requests are not blocked and can be processed “at the same time”.

You can also run multiple FastAPI workers with e.g. gunicorn.