RWD beta Rothko Painting

I was curious about the reasoning behind some of the way the Rothko Painting steps were presented.
Example: Give the .frame a border with the shorthand border: 50px solid black; declaration.
There are quite a few steps where it gives you the answer, to the point you could copy/paste it. Is there a reasoning behind having so many of the steps like this? Would something like Using border shorthand, give the .frame a solid black border of 50px. be better?

Step 12
Step 14
Step 20

would you mind opening a github issue so it can be discussed there?

Hello there,

Personally, I would say this is not ideal, and your suggestion would be the better way to go:

Yourself opening a topic like this is exactly what we would hope for to have this kind of discussion, and, potentially, be able to change the lessons whilst they are still in there Beta.

Personally, a big challenge when writing these lessons was they were written out of order. E.g. I started with the 9th project. The challenge is trying to keep in mind what a Camper would already know, and what needs to be explicitly explained.

Hope this is useful

ok, I’m always nervous to open too many issues.

Personally, a big challenge when writing these lessons was they were written out of order.

that would explain why there are random selectors everywhere when the selector lesson is so far down.

I’ll submit an issue asap!

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