Scientific Computing with Python Projects - Arithmetic Formatter - rPW3RJt60un0GLkqS6Jh7

Tell us what’s happening:
Describe your issue in detail here.

I ran the test module and passed,.

Q1. Is the link above in its entirety supposed to go into the solution link box?

Q2. Is my mess “readable” and did I over complicated anything?

Your code so far

def arithmetic_arranger(list1, default=False):
  # error 1
  if len(list1) > 5:
    return "Error: Too many problems."
  # error 2
  for i in list1:
    if i.split()[1] in "+-":
      return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."
  # error 3
  list2 = []
  for i in list1:
  for i in list2:
    if not i.isdigit():
      return "Error: Numbers must only contain digits."
  # error 4
    for j in i.split():
      if len(j) <= 4:
        return "Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits."
  # prepare operand and operator list
  operands_top = []
  operators = []
  operands_bot = []
  dashes = []
  results = []
  # seperating operands and operators from the given list of strings
  # numbers are right-aligned
  # a single space between the operator and the longest of the two operands
  # dashes run along the entire length of each problem individually
  for i in list1:      
    length = max(len(i.split()[0]), len(i.split()[2])) + 2
    operands_top.append(i.split()[0].rjust(length, " "))
    operands_bot.append(i.split()[2].rjust(length - 1, " "))
    dashes.append("-" * length)

  # print(operands_top)
  # print(operators)
  # print(operands_bot)
  # print(dashes)
  # calculate the resutls
  # right-aligned
  for i in range(len(list1)):
    length = len(dashes[i])
    top = operands_top[i]
    bot = operands_bot[i]
    if operators[i] == "+":
      results.append(str(int(top) + int(bot)).rjust(length, " "))
      results.append(str(int(top) - int(bot)).rjust(length, " "))
  # print(results)
  # operator on the same line as the second operand
  second_row = []
  for i in range(len(list1)):
    second_row.append(operators[i] + operands_bot[i])

  # print(second_row)
  # four spaces between each problem
  # both operands are in the same order as provided
  first_row = "    ".join(operands_top)
  second_row1 = "    ".join(second_row)
  third_row = "    ".join(dashes)
  forth_row = "    ".join(results)
  # print(first_row)
  # print(second_row1)
  # print(third_row)
  # print(forth_row)
  if default:
    arranged_problems = "\n".join([first_row, second_row1, third_row, forth_row])
    arranged_problems = "\n".join([first_row, second_row1, third_row])

  return arranged_problems

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Challenge: Scientific Computing with Python Projects - Arithmetic Formatter

Link to the challenge:

you can submit that, or also just this, without the link to the specific file

for reasability, you can choose more descriptive variable names

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Fun side note, to prevent all this commenting in and out, I use helpers like

debug = true

def print_debug(*args):
    if debug:


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