Scope: Having difficulty understanding this example

Hi all,

I was pretty sure I understood scope, but this example is making me scratch my head.

var printNumTwo;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  if (i === 2) {
    printNumTwo = function() {
      return i;

The console.log line returns “3” instead of “2”. I can’t really describe why that’s happening yet because in my brain I see the for loop running until i is equal to 2.

I think what I’m not completely sure about is the “printNumTwo = function…” portion.

Anyone care to explain what I’m missing? I can usually throw in a debugger or a console.log and start to understand what’s going on, but not quite sure this time.

Thanks so much in advance.

A for loop has a few steps to execution

for (initialize; condition; increment)}
  1. initialize

  2. execute the body

  3. increment

  4. check loop condition, and repeat from 2 or stop

In this case, the loop stops when i < 3 is false

The confusion arises from the fact that variables declared with var are globally scoped. Although your loops stops at i==2, the value of i is actually still incremented till 3 at which point the condition i < 3 becomes false and so the loop exits.

The i variable having been declared with var keyword will be equal to 3 at the time you reach console.log(printNumTwo()) because again the i is globally scoped with var and so effects the last increment globally.

To avoid this behavior, consider using the let keyword to declare variables as it is block scoped.

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