Search and Replace- how to implement .toUpperCase into both functions

Tell us what’s happening:
//note: is it possible to solve this without using the .replace method?
I tried to solve this problem using two different approaches. Replaceit runs a loop, the second function tries to solve it by splitting into an array by the old string and joining it back into string by the newstring.
I am having problems implementing the following to pass the last round of tests:
if (oldS[0]==oldS[0].toUpperCase()){
Id like to try to implement this into both functions. however when its run it just replaces it without upper casing it so that line of logic is doing nothing?

Your code so far

//method 1
function Replaceit(str, old, newS) {
for (var i=0; i<str.length;i++){
  if (str.substring(i,i+old.length)==old){
    str= str.substring(0,i)+ newS+ str.substring(i+old.length,str.length);
return str;
Replaceit("Let us go to the store", "store", "mall");

//methid 2
function replaceString(oldS, newS, fullS) {
  if (oldS[0]==oldS[0].toUpperCase()){
replaceString("Store", "mall", "Let us go to the Store");

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Link to the challenge:

Strings are immutable. That means you can’t change the data inside a string, like in doing newS[0] = newS[0].toUpperCase()

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