Searching for duplicates inside an Array

I find this excercice (inside the Alchemy JS course) about how to get the duplicates from a given Array. I found many ways to solve this over stackoverflow but any of them work inside the solving course. Anyway: Can anyone explain how this works?
Thanks again.

–>> the alchemy solving answer was this:

function countElements(elements) {
    let elementCount = {};
    for(let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        if(!elementCount[elements[i]]) {
              elementCount[elements[i]] = 1;
        } else {
              elementCount[elements[i]] += 1;
    return elementCount;


Write a function countElements that takes in an array and returns an object a count of each element in the array.

const elements = ["e", "k", "e", "z", "i", "z"];
countElements(elements); // returns {e: 2, k: 1, z: 2, i: 1}

guess the pseudo code would sound like this:

  1. create an object // as your storage
  2. iterate over your incoming elements array, one item by one item.
  3. if this item does not exist in your object, create a such property and give it a number 1.
  4. if this item already exists, add the number by 1.

So intresting!! i see. Thanks! So, the logic was to create and introduce each element to the new array and then if they are again sum 1 each time… Its ok but i got trouble trying to reach the example objective {e: 2, k: 1, z: 2, i: 1}. Because this solution just gives the counting for each, Am i right?

Instead of new array, your code is using an new Object. Could you elaborate your trouble more?

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