I have read a lot of hype about A.I. and changes done in the future. On one hand it’s quite cool to me and the other hand it’s quite concerning to me.
I’m not talking about right now, but let’s say in 10 years programmers are laid off in the company and the manager keeps his job. The manager tells the A.I. system on what it wants the application to do, and the A.I. creates it quickly and in good quality code.
This really concerns me.
I love everything about programming. The solutions it can provide and the figuring out the problem. I know there are a lot more good things about programming. Just my top things I like.
Also, the great work/life balance it can provide. Depending on the company you work for, of course.
Please tell me some good news. When I get a good programming job, I would love to retire from it.
No, AI won’t steal all programming jobs any time soon. There’s been lots of discussions about this in previous threads, so I would do a search on this forum for old threads about this same question.
If your concern is 10 years down the road, then the answer is to pay attention and keep learning through your career (which is always true).
There have been changes in technology that I couldn’t have predicted 10 years ago, but also my job feels very much the same as it did 10 years ago. The computers look a little different. The syntax looks different. The toolchain is more complicated. But building software still feels like building software. Users are still idiots. QA teams are still vital. Prod still breaks sometimes.
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Did you ask ChatGPT this question, or do you not trust it for an accurate answer?
We’ll always need robot technicians and ML engineers to program these systems. And if the day comes where ML robots can program and repair themselves and do all of our jobs, write our books, generate our TV shows, clean up our messes and care for us when we are old, I think you will still appreciate the logical thinking skills that programming will instill in you.
They took the credit for your second symphony
Rewritten by machine on new technology
And now I understand the problems you could see
Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
In my mind and in my car
We can’t rewind, we’ve gone too far
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Thank you for the feedback. Your post made me feel better and also made me laugh. You should have heard the things people told me when I worked at CompUSA LOL.
I will keep learning through my career.
I will now start my first lesson on freecodecamp. I just had to post this on the forums first. Thank you.
Very good point. Thanks for responding.