Smallest Common Multiple(i cant pass)

Tell us what’s happening:

i just cant pass this test

Your code so far

function smallestCommons(arr) {
  // return arr;
  let found = false;
  let multiple = 0;
  let integer = Math.max(...arr);
    let divisible = true;
    for(let i = Math.min(...arr); i <= Math.max(...arr); i++){
      // console.log(`${integer} % ${i} = ${integer % i}`)
      if(integer % i != 0) divisible = false;
    if(divisible === true) {
      found = true;
      multiple = integer;
    integer += Math.max(...arr);
  return multiple;


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User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/69.0.3497.100 Safari/537.36.

Link to the challenge:

ok thanks i will try…

ok i get it now

function smallestCommons(arr) {
const min = Math.min(…arr);
const max = Math.max(…arr);
const numSet = [];
//set of numbers
for(let i = min; i <= max; i++){
//get multiple of two number
function getMultiple(a, b){
let suggestion = a;
let c = suggestion % b;
while (c != 0){
suggestion += a;
c = suggestion % b;
return suggestion;
const multiple = numSet.reduce((multiple, num) => {
return getMultiple(multiple, num)
}, max)

return multiple;
