Someone I know just got a developer job

I wish this post would have been about me, but hopefully soon. :slight_smile:

So someone I’ve met on Facebook (never actually met in real life) via a group we’re both in, has recently found an Android app development job, with some full stack development involved. He had a portfolio of Android apps as well as a few websites, and what he said has helped him a lot was meetups.

I should also mention that he has no CS degree, and to the best of my knowledge, no degree whatsoever. He has just done a few courses, built some stuff, looked for a job, and found one. I myself have went to college for a 2 year program called “Practical Software Engineering”, and have thought that I’ll find a job once I graduate. It’s been over a year since I’ve graduated and haven’t found a job yet. I’ve later realized that especially because my certificate is not a degree, I better build a solid portfolio, which is why I’m here in the first place, and the guy’s Facebook post and some posts here have confirmed that this is the way to go.

I haven’t actually chatted with him in a while, but I just saw his post on the group about getting a job a few days ago, and I thought I’d share it with you guys so that it’ll hopefully motivate you.


Good stuff. I’m happy to hear that people are finding work.

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Thanks, very inspiring!

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Also, constantly think you can do it, you’ll get there!

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