I’m writing so perhaps someone could give some career advice… I’ve finished FreeCodeCamp Full Stack course, and also I’ve had a lot of experience with Chromium Extensions. I feel like I’m not so interested in front end (HTML, CSS), but probably don’t have enough knowledge to do back-end only (i know node, express and mongoose, but don’t know enough about networking and security and things related to it), so I was wondering if there is something in the middle (mostly javascript, API, databases and functionality scripts, responsible for the logic of the application). Perhaps I could try it as a Full Stack developer, but i don’t have enough React knowledge (but I could learn it more of course [I’ve completed FreeCodeCamp React projects though]), and also i just feel that HTML, CSS, design and making the page look good are just not my things (however i often work with DOM and create functionality [like textareas and buttons], but i’ve created almost no webpages that would look good [the only webpage i’ve made trying to make it look good is the unfinished portfolio: https://ultrabullet.com/portfolio/])… But I like a lot things like Browser Extensions [maybe 70% of my projects outside FreeCodeCamp are Chromium Extensions], also I like Node.js, APIs, Devtools Protocol, Electron apps, Puppeteer, Vanilla JS (and i think i should also learn TypeScript), figuring out minified code of web pages to find out what they are doing and how they are working, and find creative ways to implement something (that was one of the reasons I made extensions, because they give almost unlimited ways to modify a page), also I enjoy reading StackOverflow and searching the Internet to find out how to make things work. I’m also thinking about learning python and working with machine learning in the future (but it’s only a hypothetical future prospect, and meanwhile i need to find some job in Web Development). I would appreciate any advice and opinions, anything that could perhaps make the direction and things a bit clearer, because I feel like I’m a bit stuck…
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There’s certainly a niche there.
You could also expand your Chrome Extensions to GSuite Extensions, which I think happen to be coded in the same App Script.
I always recommend to continue learning what you enjoy. But also, I recommend opening up the possibilities for additional venues, so you don’t get bored.
Imagine if you created a Google Classroom Extension! Or a game for Google Docs, in todays Covid-19-students learning from home.
I won’t even try to go harder on Backend until I am very familiar with front-end technologies. VERY. But that’s me. I know people who do both at the time, and that’s good if they have the time. I only have 4-6 hours a day for coding practice.
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Thank you! I’ll check GSuite Extensions