Starting my personal profile

I’ve been set the task of completing the personal profile challenge. I’ve completed the fcc html and css modules but I have no idea how or where to start the project!
Can anyone recommend other modules I should do first? I’m feeling really quite stupid right now but determined to complete this challenge!
I’ve been shown the doc tab shortcut in code pen but I don’t remember seeing any of this in the tutorial!

Don’t feel stupid. This is tough stuff. And the projects are always a kick in the gut, as you try to apply what you’ve learned.

I’ve been shown the doc tab shortcut in code pen …

First of all, I’m not sure what the “doc tab shortcut” is.

…but I don’t remember seeing any of this in the tutorial!

Are you saying that FCC didn’t teach you about a codepen feature? I’m not surprised. FCC doesn’t require codepen (there are other options) and some of the peculiarities of codepen fall well outside of the normal web dev process. codepen is great training wheels for beginners, but FCC isn’t going to focus on teaching all the ins and outs of it.

I’ve been set the task of completing the personal profile challenge. I’ve completed the fcc html and css modules but I have no idea how or where to start the project!

Yup, we’ve all been there. But I think the best thing is to learn how to push through it. As devs, we sometimes have to take on a project that is too big and confusing. So, we break it up into little steps.

Take a look at the example to get an idea of where things are going, and then start working through the user stories.

User Story #1: My portfolio should have a welcome section with an id of welcome-section .

Can you do that? You might even be able to do it and run the test against it to see if it worked.

User Story #2: The welcome section should have an h1 element that contains text.

Can you do that?

Just start working your way through the user stories, one by one.

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@I_cant_dance, the basics for starting the personal profile will be the same as when you started the tribute page.

The RWD projects are shown in a kind of order. Each one gets progressively difficult.
Have you completed the first four projects?

Thank you, I think I need to just throw myself in don’t I!

I havnt done the other projects, im not sure I have time to work through them all and complete the portfolio challenge on time sadly! I think I’ll try and make a very basic portfolio site that ticks all the test boxes and then go back and beef it up if I have any more time!

Yeah, that is one way to look at it.

Do you remember the movie, The Martian? Matt Damon is stuck on Mars, has no way to communicate with Earth, and will soon run out of food and figure out how to get home. That is an astronomically complex problem, more than anyone’s brain can process. What does he do? He breaks it into separate problems and then breaks those into tasks. He prioritizes them and just starts working on them.

This is a great way to think - if the problem is too big, just break it into manageable pieces and start working those. I think the user stories are a great way to start doing that.

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There is no time limit

The time limit has been imposed by the person setting me the challenge

I’ll just say that learning to code is a marathon, not a sprint.
One can run through the lessons pretty quick and not pick up anything. But by doing the lessons, understanding what’s happening, and why, helps one to learn. Plus, within the lesson one can change things to see what happens if something else is tried.

Just saying…

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Yeah, the challenges are part of the learning. Especially on these first ones, I would want to do them in order.

You should finish all the challenges before moving on. People already have enough difficulty with cementing information in their head as it is.


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