Step 108, Building-a-city-Skyline

Tell us what’s happening:

task is here,
/* Add another repeating gradient to this building; make it the same as the one you just added, except don’t add the 90deg direction and use your window color instead of the two transparent colors. */

/* You should give the second repeating-linear-gradient a second color of --window-color3 from 10% to 30% */

  • Well I’m stuck !, I don’t know what it’s showing, can you help me

Your code so far

.fb6 {
width: 9%;
height: 38%;
background-color: var(–building-color3);
background: repeating-linear-gradient(
var(–building-color3) 10%,
transparent 10%,
transparent 30%
var(–building-color3) 10%,
transparent 10%,
transparent 30%

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:101.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/101.0

Challenge: Step 108

Link to the challenge:

Not entirely sure but I think your issue is with " second color of --window-color3 from 10% to 30% "

instructions ask : " and use your window color instead of the two transparent colors." located at the 10% and 30% points in the gradient

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Yeah, I’ve noticed. Thank you :handshake:

This is how it should look;

.fb6 {
width: 9%;
height: 38%;
background-color: var(–building-color3);
background: repeating-linear-gradient(
var(–building-color3) 10%,
transparent 10%,
transparent 30%

var(–building-color3) 10%,
var(–window-color3) 10%,
var(–window-color3) 30%

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