Step 28 of HTML/CSS Quiz

Instruction: Give each fieldset an adequate name attribute. Then, give both unordered lists a class of answers-list.

Finally, use the legend to caption the content of the fieldset by placing a true/false question as the text content.

Problem: I don’t understand the second part of this question.

My Code so Far:

type or paste code here

 <section role="region" aria-labelledby="html-questions">
          <h2 id="html-questions">HTML</h2>
          <div class="question-block">
            <fieldset class="html-question-one">
              <legend> True or False?</legend>
              <ul class="answers-list">
            </fieldset class="html-question-two">
          <div class="question-block">
            <fieldset class="html-question-three">
              <legend>True or False?</legend>
              <ul class="answers-list">

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Thank you.

Fieldset name is not given in the code

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You have to place a name attribute within each fieldset

so maybe first fieldset code will be:

<fieldset class="html-question-one" name="html-one">

Also the closing tag for your first fieldset has an issue, as it was mistaken as an opening tag and given a class

</fieldset class="html-question-two">

simply put it as </fieldset>

and second fieldsed may be put as:
<fieldset class="html-question-two" name="html-two">

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