Still marking it wrong, i am tired

Tell us what’s happening:

// running tests

Give your h1 element with the text I am sienna! the color sienna.

Use rgb for the color sienna.

// tests completed

Your code so far

  .red-text {
    color: rgb(255, 0, 0);
  .orchid-text {
    color: rgb(218, 112, 214);
  .sienna-text {
    color: rgb(160, 82, 45)
  .blue-text {
    color: rgb(0, 0, 255);

<h1 class="red-text">I am red!</h1>

<h1 class="orchid-text">I am orchid!</h1>

<h1 class="sienna-text">I am sienna!</h1>

<h1 class="blue-text">I am blue!</h1>

Your browser information:

This is the only line in which you don’t have a semicolon at the end of the line, that may be the issue

You also shouldn’t use the semicolon after the } here

Tell us what’s happening:

I have entered all the code but the computer kept marking me wrong on sienna colour code. rgb(165, 82, 45); but still, for the past 2 days now, help
Your code so far

  .red-text {
    color: rgb(255, 0, 0);
  .orchid-text {
    color: rgb(218, 112, 214);
  .sienna-text {
    color: rgb(160, 82, 45);
  .blue-text {
    color: rgb(0, 0, 255);

<h1 class="red-text">I am red!</h1>

<h1 class="orchid-text">I am orchid!</h1>

<h1 class="sienna-text">I am sienna!</h1>

<h1 class="blue-text">I am blue!</h1>

**Your browser

What’s the name of the exercise? Try removing semicolon at the end of the line here.

  .orchid-text {
    color: rgb(218, 112, 214);

thank you very much. is ok now. i am grateful. but can you help me with this
" It looks like a variable is being used to set the background color of the .red-box class. Let’s improve our browser compatibility by adding another background declaration right before the existing declaration and set its value to red."
background: var(–red-color);

I replied to this question, and tried to show you how to fix it, in the other topic ( Help Improve Compatibility with Browser Fallbacks that you opened. You shouldn’t ask the same question in multiple areas.