String Concatenate please help

Good afternoon,

                     Please i need help with this exercise: 

Use string concatenation to join the three provided strings ( first , second , and third ) and assign the resulting string to a variable called welcomeStatement . The value of welcomeStatement should be ‘Welcome to the jungle!’

const first = “Welcome”;
const second = “to the”;
const third = “jungle!”;


What have you tried so far?

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could the funky quotes be causing issues? my console hates them.

Your attempt to put code into the forum is messy, yes. But that’s not what I am talking about. You don’t appear to have tried to concatenate anything.

@BobSmith i’m a different person also asking the OP a question. :slight_smile:

Woops, I just saw purple.

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welcomeStatement has not been defined. You have defined three variables (first, second and third), but you have not “assigned the resulting string to a variable”.

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How would you make welcomeStatement return the combined result of first, second and third variables? Also consider adding a space as the last character for first and second variables… Here’s a link that might help

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I got it. Thank you all.

const first = “Welcome”;
const second = “to the”;
const third = “jungle!”;

const welcomeStatement = “Welcome to the jungle!”;


‘Welcome to the jungle!’

const first = “Welcome”;
const second = “to the”;
const third = “jungle!”;

const welcomeStatement = first + " ” +second + " "+ third;


‘Welcome to the jungle!’