Stuck on Survery Form user story #14

The tests flag it up saying the checkbox require value attributes, but they have them?

<div><p>Are you ready to become a champ, champ?</p>
        <input id="Yes"
               value= "Yes"
               type= "radio"
               class= "input-radio"
               checked />Yes
        <input id="Absolutely"
               value= "Absolutely"
               type= "radio"
               class= "input-radio"

please post a link to your project

It might be possible using separate lines like that is what’s causing the test to fail. The properties and anchors only need one single space between them in order to work. Having returns like that might be messing with the test.

We can do that on our own projects if we choose to. The test may not accept it that way. Your code works and looks correct to me.

We can write css like this:


The code quoted can be formatted like this:

<div><p>Are you ready to become a champ, champ?</p><input id="Yes" name="Ready?" value= "Yes" type= "radio" class= "input-radio" checked />Yes<input id="Absolutely" name="Ready?" value= "Absolutely" type= "radio" class= "input-radio" checked />Absolutely</input></div>

If it’s not all the blank spaces causing it to fail something the test requires isn’t there. Read the instruction text completely and carefully.

The tests will also, sometimes, fail if we put extra code in them the test didn’t ask for. It errors and fails the test if there’s unexpected text in the code.

Thanks for the repsonse. I removed the space but nothing changed so the mistake must be elsewhere but where urgggggh here is the link any chance you could take a look?

the ones you wrote in your post are radio buttons, not checkboxes, I don’t see checkboxes in your code

aaaaa that is what was wrong thank you

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