Stuck on technical document

Humans of the internet. I would really appreciate any feedback. I am doing the technical document, and I have gone through it over and over again. I have done my own checklist, but the testes continues failing me. Is there any way to understand what the tester is identifying as missing?

The test tries to tell you what the problem is. You can cut and paste that here.

Also, if it is an online editor, you can give us a link. If you are developing it locally, then a repo would be nice, but I guess you could cut and paste it since it is one of the earlier projects and not too big. (Still, a repo would be better.)

Thank you for your reply Kevin. The test does give me a grade overall but it does not indicate which item I am missing. Is there any way of seeing this?


  • You have a nav with a class of nav-bar it must have an id of navbar
  • These don’t match. The Id and the text inside the header must be same.
<section class="main-section" id="100_years_of_solitud">
    <header>100 years of solitud<kbd> 1 <kbd></header>
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The test does give me a grade overall but it does not indicate which item I am missing. Is there any way of seeing this?

If you press on the red button, it will show you the results.


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Thank you so much! Tiny detail that lights my path. Have a good day.

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